Dave Smith: Secrets To Success Part 3 "Volley Warm Up"

September 8, 2022
Written By: Jack Broudy
Dave Smith: Secrets To Success Part 3 "Volley Warm Up"

0:00:00.3 Jack Broudy: Hi, I'm Jack Brody and I'm with Dave Smith and our show, secrets to success. We're happy to see again, and today we're talking about serves and volumes, not necessarily sermon valet serves and volleys, had a warm them up, and what to think about when you're working on these two very, very important strokes. I, Dave, how are you.

0:00:23.9 Dave Smith: Adept? Be With You, and hopefully a lot of folks paying attention to what we do and talk about and hopefully share some insights to improving player dynamics, improving the progressions, to getting a player to really excel in what I call reaching their potential. They're true potential. I think you can probably relate to this 'cause you've traded equal is not more high performance players from raw center to that high level of echelon. And so talking about... I'm gonna jump right into this and I want you to to piggy-back on this, but we train the first stroke we train in a valid because the dynamic Connell grip is so important to deserve the Vale, the swipe back, and the two and U back, and the half volley all those drugs with etcetera, of the two of the top and Frans cornered among the highest level player, so we train the Valley first and then go right into the servant, I'm not talking weeks later, we're talking really within the same lesson. And so one of the things that we're gonna talk about today is, why do we do that? First and foremost, if the condo grip is the desired stroke, avoiding it will never produce a player who gets comfortable with it, and if you can't get a player and don't give them the two, you don't give them the exercises of the drills on the skills to master the company group sure it will be remained unfamiliar, and coaches that are training players to avoid the unfamiliar or the uncomfortable...

0:02:03.2 Dave Smith: Just because it is uncomfortable, you have to realize at some point, they're going to have to... If they want that player to have a good serve, if they want that player to have a good value or a well-rounded game where they can come up to the net, you and I both know Jack, we can look at a player second siren, we can look at their back end, valor the for him volume pretty much to find what level that player is ever gonna get to because of the limitations that they're using, say, prime can or Easter forehand Esteban in group on the body. So I'd like you to jump on that too, and express your experiences with both the condor as it applies to the volume in obvious... I think it's obvious to most of us insider PROS that the valley has been obviously misunderstood because when it comes to tennis, if I say, Give me a great back-end, you could go back to forever, everyone's got a great back and give me a grade four and you could name 20 people, 30, 40, 50 people with a grade four and answer, when it comes to ALS, people go write to fitter, then they shoot way back to Sampras and Edberg because really many players are known for their values because...

0:03:20.5 Dave Smith: And once again, I just think they're woefully misunderstood and poorly taught the whole idea of breaking your wrist and punching with the elbow and stepping forward, I mean versus the game a step for when you have to, but if you watch a great tennis volley like a Federer half the time he steps back with his back foot lining him up, and so the whole... Like I said, it is just woefully misunderstood and poorly taught, but I agree with you on the continental grip, I do. I start my kids so young, four and five years old, we don't start with violist because I think it would just be... I like a little bit of immediate gratification. So at least with the grounds with a four and five-year-old having a... And I don't really use the little frying pan rackets, I like having that leverage, so they go, Oh, look at me, I just hit the ball over the net, and the values are a little tough for four and five and six year-olds, and that's when I started with so many kids, but I do agree with you, especially when you've got high school kids, man, if they don't know their continental drift, especially doubles, my God, they can't even play the game, right, you can't have a good serve, you'll have no second set, we all know that...

0:04:36.6 Dave Smith: No, second, sir.

0:04:38.0 Jack Broudy: And the Bali, they'll use two hands on the back end, Valley, which I will not let a kid... I don't even let my five-year-old all you with two hands, there's no... Not even my five-year-olds, I won't involve at two ends because it's a bad habit, especially the two-handers 'cause they're so used to it, they're always digging underneath like that, and so.

0:05:00.4 Dave Smith: We're turning it over.

0:05:01.0 Jack Broudy: Or turning over and then the flat four in Valle, you can't really aim it, there's no angle you can get... You can only push it forward, so... I agree 100%. I think the comment, a grip and you're right, too many pros, uptown fact, I even heard pros help players go ahead and put that other in on there, so you're stronger and I'm stronger. And they try and teach the bad game with two-hander is... And they say, Well, you're a beginner. We'll fix it later, but of course, later never comes.

0:05:29.8 Dave Smith: No, it doesn't. And once you've established this frame pin or pushing grip, it becomes so comfortable that anything that becomes exponentially more uncomfortable... And we train the Bolles for a couple of reasons. You mentioned immediate gratification. The way we train our Towson block Roland, we toss some bean bag first and we get a kid to catch in the bean bags at the... Antoni like that one too. And so we actually have more success immediately because kids are hitting the ball where with a volume, they learn that strength isn't needed, I demonstrate as I'm sure you do with the two fingers, or I hold the grip with two fingers and barely hold my racket drill me and he hit his head as he can and my back and in my foreign body, and I'll just reflected back with literally a holding the bracket, my families fall and so these pros, I think... I've gotta call it stiff, I go. Hold it strong. Yeah, I mean, there's an element of affirms that you want in your volley, but it is not required, and so when players start to discover from valais, and the problem I have of of course the opposite, if I talk brandreth learn to take a full swing, of course, and so then when we moved to Valley, I have to diminish and swim, which is hard to do for some kids, some that you can do it immediately and they understand it, so we start with the valet and then go to the full struct are correct.

0:07:04.0 Dave Smith: Don't.

0:07:04.4 Jack Broudy: You have no problem with doing that? I know a lot of good coaches that they do the Valley first and they even warm up with Quick tennis volleys or bump up and across... I have no problem with that, I guess. It's what it is. Like I said, my kids, I always like... All of them, Samuel, the kids, they were all under 10, they were so little. And at least when you teach them the Inside-Out forehand, they go home going, money... I got a weapon, ethereal problem with teaching the voles first. Who knows what we'll get into when we talk about technique. Ready, I'm ready. But that's... So yeah, so I think we both agree that the content of grip has to be controlled and has to be learned right away or else as part of the whole package, you should avoid one or the other, or part is everything other than the four.

0:07:58.3 Dave Smith: And that's... Well, absolutely, I'm going one step further. Since I worked with 50 to 70 kids at a time, sometimes I've gotta think outside the box, and so you see this picture of my kids working... Valles are... A lot of my beginners.

0:08:13.9 Jack Broudy: Is that what they're doing, they're hitting values on the grass, there.

0:08:16.5 Dave Smith: They're doing cost and block thrills, ones, cost into the back in Allyson, here's a side note to a Towson block drill, so when you're falling and the other players costing and catching that Claire who's casting, is learning the skills of catching or tracking to their hand, and I teach them to toss underhand and then hold their hand up as a target, so this player is balling and out of their peripheral vision, they're trying to block that ball to a hand, but this person's catching and receiving a ball, so even though it's a passing drill, one person is actually working on the volley from a hitting standpoint or blocking standpoint, the player tossing is Danielle not even knowing it. So.

0:09:01.4 Jack Broudy: I agree with you, and I like the word you use there, I wish I used that word born off and I will start receiving the e when it comes to... When it comes to the Valley, the whole concept about blunt punch is really not where it's at, where is that? It's more of a feeling of receiving and then letting the ball sink into the streams and letting them go right, push air into the ball, and of the synergy of those two things is really what makes the ball pop in a nice volume, not fighting fire with fire. And a ball on coming and you go after it, it's in golf, I'm not a golfer, but I know what they call it, and God is called a fat hit, right, when it's not a sweet hit, it's not it... You've done everything right, but somehow you've met the ball in a more conflict-Ive way, and so it feels fatigued. Shock up your arms. So yes, it's more of a feel. And letting, like I said, letting that fall be absorbed by the racket streams, but by your whole core by your body instead of instead of putting it all on the elbow or the wrist or the shoulder, so I like that word receiving a lot, but I use a couple of phrases that I think have really resonated, and I don't know if you've heard these, but.

0:10:19.9 Dave Smith: I always... I tell my players, imagine erected as a mirror, the heating surface and the ball coming to you as a beam of light from a flash light or a laser or whatever you wanna visualize, and I always tell my players, what do you swing... You're raced to interact with that reflecting angle that you want to achieve, meaning, if I wanted the angle that Belle to my right... Would I swing on it? Of course, they say, No, I would put mirror behind the biblical, the mirror and let the beam of light reflect, and once they start to discover that concept of reflecting versus hitting or receiving, as you just mentioned, they start to realize that the swing is not a critical factor, until you wanna really give the ball much more impetus to hit it somewhere more effectively, but the first thing we teach is the angle value, a lot of pros are like lesson and Van shot. No, it's not from a ready position to a back end or for... Andean it's about a two inch, it's a 3 term, and the kids start to realize that they get out of this one-dimensional hit them all straight ahead, hit them all straight ahead, and they start to understand the concept of opening a court up, even five year old six-year-old son, year-old, my daughter when she was eight, we train her on the angle bolshaya because she knew it and to learn to angle with reflecting skill rather than II.

0:11:54.9 Dave Smith: The other problem in the Eastern gripper history back and grip of Valera, more square to the net, and I have to now swing to get the angle and I will over-hit any sharp angle I try to hit. So I always see players all this all the time when the Eastern former bagel rating because for them usually is you all know if the restroom backing and you turn your body side with your rates too far back, and now I have to turn my whole body and sweet, and now I've got a racket move much faster than I can control, and I know I have to decelerate and now I'm just pushing the ball pretty much square dead ahead, and I never can get an angle, Vale when I did hundreds and hundreds of clinics with adults who were taught Eastern grim hit the ball out in front of him and hit the ball straight, they couldn't hit an angle body save their life because of those factors.

0:12:53.3 Jack Broudy: They can't even hit across court. Volost really can't. Buttermere and erotic guy, he was number one in the world for a month, but then Gilbert, I know these guys, nice guys, great guys, but he told me I need to start going and met, and I was like, Why are you sending them up there with a BB gun, I mean, 'cause he had that step and push, and so he would just hit the nail Federal and they would just... He was like target practice because he couldn't have a... He could only hit an area of about six feet, he couldn't really hit a sharp deadly Vanier the line because he couldn't aim because he was stepping forward and punching forward, so it better... I would just sit back way for that first ball, and then of course, he was at the 45, so with the slides, so if he saw Andy drift to the fore and her back inside, he would just right at the 45, he's just a slightest adjustment and he go cross court or you go down the line and poor... And he would just look to the crowd like, Well, man, what do I do up here? So that was a big mistake.

0:14:05.4 Jack Broudy: You don't send someone and that if they can't follow you well, and he could Valley half way is M. But the problem was he ever put... He put less pressure after his approach on his volatiles caused less stressed to his opponent, his approach shot, he had crossed for a lot, which.

0:14:24.9 Dave Smith: I did not like how often you have to...

0:14:27.2 Jack Broudy: No, that's ridiculous because you're in in up the court, right, you got the hole down the line bigger than you just Tenneco.

0:14:34.3 Dave Smith: And then he would bomb the ball, like you said, he just couldn't put it away, and so that was even more vulnerable after the approach in after a second at his first Palisade, he took on a strategy that just didn't make sense.

0:14:48.1 Jack Broudy: Even at three months, he went from number one to 25. Yeah, that was a really... A big, big mistake. Let's talk more about the values, 'cause I know you like the idea of straight on, and I'm gonna do my best to talk you out of that slightly, slightly, 'cause when I say slightly, I really... What I do, it's funny. I had a problem as a junior, I had a pretty good touch, I brought up on clay in comedic, and I was a better doubles player, and a lot of pros say this, I was a better doubles player than I was saying, Oh, I don't know about you but I definitely, I even like double more back in the day, today I prefer to play singles, I prefer to watch singles, but I hit that angle Valley way too much, and I noticed a lot of my students too, and we can't even get a good rally going when they're up at Menai was in the baseline, and because they would probably short or the to get that angle Vale a lot in about the biomes. And what I started noticing was, and it was through my system, but it was also by accident, I remembered in college and then in a couple of little pro tournaments I played afterwards when I would serve and come into net and they rocked it right at my belly, and I would go like this, and I'd hit the angle Vale the inside out cross-court back in, but inside out back in Valiente, and I was just protecting myself, so I thought to myself, Jesus, why did that one pop off my strings? And then I noticed Sampras, he...

0:16:26.3 Jack Broudy: That was his best Alliance. All he gets down, Isaac would rip it right at him, and he do that little thing where he sort of bumped the ball inside out that would float beautifully on the baseline... Inside out on the line. And I said, There's something to this. And then after I developed the system, well, there's a street there, but I don't think Gacy was known for his values, but I started to put two and two together and I thought, you know, having a slight... And I don't wanna use the word bad, but having your arm slightly like this as opposed to straight, but having just a little bit of athleticism and a little bit of this... I call it a bird wing, and I've noticed... And this is what I... Coach, I'll show you real quickly here. I found it incredibly interesting, and all the pros that are certified and I work with, and I hear from every week, they go, You know Jack, that inside out by that's totally fixed all my students, but they tell me it's fixed their own values. And it's very interesting, I think this one right here, and like I said, I'm just hoping to try essayist slightly change your attitude on the ballet.

0:17:43.7 Jack Broudy: Watch these guys here. You see how I have those yellow lines? Yeah, so this girl had a worst Molly in the world, she didn't even have a content regret, but I finally got her to use a content, but by going inside out, the ball would absorb in the strings a little bit and it would pop deeper plus having a slight curve. See, I don't wanna use the word vent, having a curve in your arm... Make sure I'm stronger. It's like taking a piece of paper and sort of rounding it and then you try to push on it, you can't push, but if it's straight, you can just push it really easily, so... Same reason they make cathedrals in Italy and Spain with arches, because there's something to this idea of roundness that... Like I said, it's not been, it's definitely not been, but it's slightly round, but I noticed that ever... I started going back and look at old Edberg Olean Sampras, and they do that a lot, I guess when they go cross-court, it's a little straighter, but certainly when they're going inside out down the line, they have this nice here in the arm, and I don't know, if you've ever thought about that, but it might be something you experiment with, because that angle Vale, like I said, What happened to me was all I could hit was the angle Vale, and that was a problem because everyone knew and they came to netto, my forehand, just rush cross court, somewhat short or bobcat, same thing, I couldn't get a nice deep value, and that's what I find with players today, even on the Pro Circuit, they all have to touch, but not many still have a nice deep valley where they want it.

0:19:21.0 Jack Broudy: See her a slightly bent slightly, and that's exactly what I'm talking about, that's that picture right there of just tee it slightly slightly bent, and I think that as power and athleticism, personally... What do think about that, Dave?

0:19:38.1 Dave Smith: I've come from a little different background... I agree and disagree. The curvature you're talking about is about stability items that do... The arm does Bend, and when a player brings any kind of a curvature there, there's a tendency to wanna straighten it, a contact with the art... I'm gonna just be blood not... I've worked with 350 players and the majority who are taught to keep that arm straight, lock that arm have no problem because if you can argue the street, but I'm gonna areola... I keep science, the longer the lever and the more force can be applied by the lever, and if the player has any movement, any mobility in that elbow, they're going to use it, and then they're gonna hit from the Elmo, their leverage is only from the elbow to the end of the race rather than the shoulder moving, so I'm gonna argue from the standpoint of leverage, the screen one provides.

0:20:39.3 Jack Broudy: A... Isn't that where the left hand comes into play, let's say you're ready... Of course, the left hand, it places the racket out there and that see my arm would look straight to many people, but it's not... But I think it's the left hand, and that's another thing I think the opposite hand and body is so neglected when it's so important, instead of pulling it on with that in, you push it out there, you actually push it up and you create this beautiful form and then I don't think from there, you wanna straighten it, once you create that form, now you just sort of move your inner body and you keep that nice roundness...

0:21:18.1 Dave Smith: They were that far up because I think a... Patrick Rafter had that nice round... Is you're talking about the.

0:21:27.5 Jack Broudy: Two... He didn't have a lot of greatness, but I thought his services great, but I thought his volumes...

0:21:33.5 Dave Smith: Oh, he was one of... Selim and Edward were definitely... But here's the problem, this is the problem. When we teach to individuals rather than, if you actually look at the majority of players from the bride brothers to any of the top players as a majority, you will see this like this fall behind me of Justine with the arms trade as her arm finishes a stroke and so, I'm not disagreeing that a curved arm can't be used tremendously effectively. Absolutely correct. The problem is, when the beginner Intermedia player has a bet or curve, gardener you wanna call it, there is some leverage still left in the arm, they're going to use it, and if you... Traits you're doing, although I don't like to lay in the active too far back, I'd rather have them turn their shoulders to create the angels desire rather than laying the racket back because they're the Chicken Wing, and I call it a chicken week when a player car bending that elbow, they are embellishing that even more so when I say there might be semantics because I don't like the venerable either, I know.

0:22:48.9 Jack Broudy: So I... Sasanians, it might be semantics.

0:22:53.1 Dave Smith: Were a player coaches, let me put it, simplify it. Because we are on the same page. Coaches, if you have a player who's falling very well with a slightly bed or that curved arm, and they're not using that Ebony, hit it, you're on the money. If you've gotta play this trying to strain that elbow, I suggest getting that elbow straight from the get-go and learn the feel of that leverage, and the leverage is increased because the physics of the lever increases when you're using that whole arm and not getting any elbow involved it also, when a bee player has a bent elbow, that's another joint that they're trying to maneuver... Oh yeah. And so if as long as they're keeping that elbow in a fix, as you mentioned, they're fine, I'm just going in.

0:23:42.5 Jack Broudy: When that elbow is bent, it's just a weakness. It's a chink in the armor. You know what I mean?

0:23:47.7 Dave Smith: Yeah, Pius lost my vitals. My effort is to train players, I don't know if I have this video up here, I've gotta pull this video off of my daughter when she was eight years old, to.

0:24:05.7 Jack Broudy: Explain it a little bit more, you know what I'm thinking? While we're talking here, I'm thinking, maybe a great way to train vallis is just what we're doing, but we do both, we make sure they can hit, we hit the first one, they go, take deep down the line, we hit the second one to hit the angle, Valley deep down the line, 'cause I really... Like I said, I just find that too many kids resort to the angle... A short angle vallis because they are afraid. I just know from my own personal experience, I was afraid to hit the deep ball because of the way I was taught, I was talk to punch. And so my devil's always felt weak, but my angle values, I always had confidence in them 'cause that was just a matter of field, so I think it's good to do both.

0:24:50.9 Dave Smith: Yeah, and like I said, I trained, I like to train the angle first just to get kids away from him in... We're so used to feeding in the middle of the court to a hitting straight ahead, he also trained from the far angle, so kids can learn to interact with an incoming vector that's a little different as well, so.

0:25:12.1 Jack Broudy: Look at... Just embed you though. She's... Look at that left hand. You see how she's... Oh yeah, we were gonna discuss this next, but right, you set your racket out there, whether it's street or whether it's got that round, and then you wanna keep that line up, so that left hand, that opposite hand is so important, look how it goes behind her left a year.

0:25:31.5 Dave Smith: Well, we train separation of the arms on every Corsican Latino, that left arm cannot come around with the stroke, it will pollute it, it will deteriorate the stroke tremendously, so we actually try to get that left hand to stay back... Let me see if I've got.

0:25:54.3 Jack Broudy: This funny, your show cross-court and I'm showing reverse across cohorts under it or...

0:26:01.1 Dave Smith: Yeah, we trained at all players, by the way, I produce the state champion every single year in doubles every single year. And I think part of that is because of the fact that our players can hit that angle Vale rather than just blocking.

0:26:18.5 Jack Broudy: When you're talking doubles the angle. Politics, absolutely. But I actually have my kids valley outside the court, if you just a minute ago, these kids were all falling into the alley, or even beyond the alley were... Yeah, I want them to feel the pop and realized, Oh, I don't feel weak on the one hand, look the... Like this girl, I'm telling you, she was the worst, she just pops the ball deep here, and she couldn't believe, he goes, Why it doesn't feel weak anymore, I can really make the ball go a distance, and so I think it's very interesting to show both sides... You're too that high back in Bali, so many players feel a sense of weakness, so they flip the rock over it and we train the arm to be rigid and firm and driving with cleanliness, if you will, to feel that. And then they go, Wow, I don't have to flip it over, I don't have to swing hard to hit the ball firm, and that's one of the big things for us is to train that high back in volos.

0:27:32.1 Dave Smith: Like a loan, and when players start to understand that Oh my gosh, they start...

0:27:37.5 Jack Broudy: Yeah, I agree. The high back in Valley, I would have to say might be the toughest shot in Tennessee, either that or the high for male, one of the two, so everyone tries to bring their head, they try and finish like this, or on the back end, they try and do this and come around the ball, instead of just having a stable, instead of being stable and letting them... But once again, letting the ball sink into the strings, they try to finale, they try and maneuver the head of the racket, and then... That's just a catastrophe waiting to happen. See the goose oases laying her head back. Even though you can't see the racket, she's laying the head back Nice to and look at her left hand, see how I left hands keeping her lined up to the 40, we... I know you agree with me, but I... Keeping your line up, cleft hands. Keeping your line up. So the shoulders, the hips, everything is lined up nicely to the 45 and... Yeah, you know, it's funny, you can see her arm to street, but when you look at it from the shoulder to the tip of the racket head, you can see the curve, but if you look at just her arm itself, it looks straight now, here on this picture you can see it's slightly rounded, it's beautiful, this is the one you have behind you see to me, you might call that straight, I call that slightly, slightly rounded, and I think that is a...

0:29:00.0 Jack Broudy: That's a beautiful shot right there.

0:29:00.7 Dave Smith: I pastor call around and then we're on the same exact page because she cannot extend this arm any further, the arm can't straighten out from this position at all that what if I did, the racket head would start to come forward, so we drain the shoulder joint is the mobility joint, so the arms this way, not from the elbow, not from the wrist, not because one, if the racket head leads, the racket head turns over if the Army... Right, the racket stays on your keeping what I call my bucks, keeping the plane the same, right. And that's the key to any good stroke, especially in the valley, we call it set and home, but keeping the plane in the same ensures that I can hit them all here, here, here or here, and it'll still go exactly where I wanna...

0:29:49.0 Jack Broudy: Agree, and look at her right hand, look at her right hand starting to move back 'cause started... That's a really great thing. You've got these girls getting good balls, good high Bolles, and no wonder you won so many championships because doubles, let's face it in high school and now college doubles his huge importance all of a sudden, a wing back in the 70s and 80s. Right, he played six singles, three doubles, and the doubles didn't come for as much always, but now double as they really push it.

0:30:22.2 Dave Smith: You Meyer be able to play both. And the game evolves and for a while, a certain Ali, then it became a baseline fast, and then it became certain Boland. Now, I think we're in a really good time of tennis where players are manufacturing a point and learning to close in on the net and get in to finish that point off at the net a lot more, and learning to Valletta. I still, even my players have trained in some of the academies outside of my program, they say, Well, we spent like five minutes in volyn, the two-hour clinic, I'm like that at enough... You're not having enough volatile.

0:31:05.4 Jack Broudy: I asked my kids, when that goes somewhere else, once in a while, I'll say, Well, how many servant do serves today? We didn't do serves today, I come in and I hear that a lot of these clinics that they didn't do serve, they ran for 45 minutes and they had Grandis crossed court for an hour, but no serves and like you say, Five minutes of Polish... Even if they just that concept to spending very little time on it, emphasizes to the player, this isn't important, and that's the message. I think you can see in this picture of Letty hitting in a back in exactly what you're talking about, Look the...

0:31:47.4 Dave Smith: We call it the umpire move, they're saying safe. In my books, I have to talk about that, but as a right arm goes forward, the left arm goes back, so the integrity of that shoulder line, you see from.

0:32:00.5 Jack Broudy: Their... See, that's one way to look at it. And I look at it from her backhand, from her left hand to her tip of a race at all on a 45-degree angle.

0:32:08.3 Dave Smith: Persona led it to 45, and I talk about it in my first book, Tennis master. I talk about the 25 to... And so, funny that we've connected, because I talk about if you turn more than 45, you're over-rotating, that if you open up to a 90 degree or facing the net, I should say, you've over rotated forward, so you've got to maintain that 45 through the hitting zone and I always call it left the racket pulling you around, don't use your body to drag the active forward because you lose the integrity of the racket making contact, and you have to actually decelerate the rack when you over-rotate or open up.

0:32:51.5 Jack Broudy: Yeah, yeah, you know what I like about that picture to Horace face, you can see the continental grip and she's got that angle, but she's keeping the face flat, I find too many players turn under the back end, kind of like they do when they hit their slices and then they get these floating, right.

0:33:09.9 Dave Smith: As the team... It is a racket, operettas in the same plane. It doesn't die, it doesn't die all, and it doesn't roll over the wall, we keep the play in the same, and that ensures the quality obviously.

0:33:23.5 Jack Broudy: But you know it's so poorly. Misunderstood this morning on Instagram, I saw this, I don't wanna mention names, but I saw someone teaching and she said to do safe, but she turns the face under so it's perpendicular to the next, as opposed to the way of Federer hits his life where he's like this perfect. He's parallel to the net and he just... He sort of slices the by that and it's nasty and it goes low and it's got a lot of spin as opposed to the slice that when you open up like this and it floats and now you're deaf, you could have a float slice back end or a slice of silly like that, and you turn under it, you're just gonna float the bond and you're dead... The next shot here I sell you this video just to demonstrate, we think outside of the box a little bit and trying to get kids to... In that last segment off the loathing, the 45-degree angle, you can see it there, that's the first thing I saw. You position those cars.

0:34:19.8 Dave Smith: This is a good example of how we train a wide variety of teaching players to use different body segments, here's this pull swinging Topspin from the baseline, not that we would ever teach a full swing and stroke from, but it's developing raceme, so these are things that effectively teach a, Here's a sharp angle, learning, teaching kids to get them all up and down on a very, very sharp angle, and these are all beginners... These are pretty rough. You're seeing kids have been playing for lesson... Well, somebody could have been playing for maybe a year, but you can see this a football kid right here that's learning to Valerie.

0:34:58.5 Jack Broudy: Oh, I love the way that... I love the way those chairs are angled, man, I love that too. A lot of people do this drill like you're doing, but they'll put the chair facing the side of fence and I'm like, Oh, you're killing them, it's like it kind of relies me, Dave, of when you... You know how you coach to serve you... Oh yeah, I can serve for my knees and you get on your knee, the pro always does it, right, you face is the 45, and then the kid gets down there and he's perpendicular to the net and he can't die, he's flopping on the ground and he can't finish a stroke, but the pro doesn't... Doesn't think it doesn't go, Oh, adjust your stator, knee stance slightly, just slightly open, and then we'll be able to serve like me, they don't do that, they'll just... Well, hear you keep practicing. So I really like the way you have those chams handle... That was perfect.

0:35:51.9 Dave Smith: Well, there's this hundreds and hundreds, and this is when I'll be speaking in Nebraska here in a month or so, at a coaching conference, actually doing a golf... I trained a lot of world class cafes, including my daughter, but I'm doing a four-hour tennis program and a four-hour golf on, But similarities in golf and tennis are abound rate offer. She ferried college scholarship and she would start it as a tennis player, and so it was really interesting to see her apply this drugs from her tennis and how to shape a ball's flight because she could shape and balls flight in tennis, hitting around the outside of the ballad make the ball curve to the right on her back end or hit around the ball for a slice of ser, that all translated into her having the ability, if you will, of hitting amazing golf swings, and so I really like... Well, one of the ideas was that she could take that tennis and take it to a world class level of golf, and so one of the things you'll see in our drills, and I'll speak to conferences is you've got to go as you've well documented what leads to skilled strokes, and What prohibits skilled strung from being a pier and you're positioning grip.

0:37:19.0 Dave Smith: We've talked about the cotton grip already, we've talked about the 45, which is critical. Even in golf, even though we set up 90 degrees at the point of contact, the body is at 45 degrees that you kind of see him, and then this swing behind me, she was followed for swing, but she's not completely sense... You look at her feet.

0:37:39.6 Jack Broudy: And on your hips, you see her hips are still lined up... Look at that.

0:37:43.1 Dave Smith: Yeah, and so that's what it allows her to hit a 285 yard Drive. And she's only five foot six. Little girl. And so one of the things that we always talk about in golf and tennis, I don't know if I have a video of her hitting a golf ball here, but... It's pretty impressive. Okay, here's your swimming golf, so if you look at her position, her feet are lined up parallel to the target, but look at her belly button facing them back to.

0:38:14.1 Jack Broudy: Whether... Come to him, Sir, come to Hitchin the hip top 45 in Teradata. Better myself. That's right, the hips lock in, and that's why everyone misinterpret it, they all go, Oh, look at the shoulder rotation, I'm like, No, it's not a...

0:38:31.2 Dave Smith: This is where PROS gonna notice it, and this is true in tennis, the hips rotate back, full throttle turn right, now they come kinetic chain legs, hematite and the club had acceleration after the club.

0:38:47.5 Jack Broudy: I call it retraction, the hips retract back in right at the 45 and then the shoulders may come from going around... So what does everyone see? And that's why I would tell people, It's not what you see. It's what you don't see, what they see is big shoulder rotation, but they don't see that it's been following the hips the whole time until the retraction, and then the shoulders come flying around ahead of the hips, but they don't see because they're not looking deep enough. You know, they don't look deepen up and to see in the hips that that's initiating the move. Yeah, she has a beautiful swing and she illustrates everything so perfectly to even pretend as she illustrates it perfectly in this golf swimming...

0:39:26.6 Dave Smith: Well, and you'll know this again in the left arm, I translate this to... And you could say there's a slight curve there in a car behaved, but for the most part, we train that leverage of that left arm, because I left arm is what generates the club head speed release point, if the loans... We have that big chicken, and that's what we associate with beginners in Golan tests not swing like this rather than the whole turn, and there's the leverage... Look at the leverage from the left shoulder, pulling down there, the hips, that everything stopped six accelerate through, and that's where... And her keeping the plane, the club had the club... If you actually drew a line, I don't know if I can do this on this video, but watch... See if I can do this here. Everything is backwards.

0:40:17.9 Jack Broudy: That's right. You the better button.

0:40:20.9 Dave Smith: So I can be...

0:40:22.7 Jack Broudy: To me, that armors perfectly curve perfectly.

0:40:27.8 Dave Smith: Well, I would argue it straight, but... Okay, is your police... I'll buy it. I'm just gonna say We work on keeping it as dead straight as we can to not Ewen.

0:40:39.9 Jack Broudy: I think is straight. I think a lot that.

0:40:42.3 Dave Smith: It's locked in, We train that elbow to be dead straight, if there was a bed, it would start curving around her, and there is a slight right there. You can look at every top pro golf in, you'll see that same concept, and if you wanna Castlight ly or.

0:41:02.1 Jack Broudy: No, not me, I don't like to mention.

0:41:07.3 Dave Smith: Oh, I'll buy that because that's what we train in an attempt to keep it straight, we know... I guess the bottom line is, we know there's gonna be a slight curve no matter how firm you try to keep that elbow straight, and I guess I look at it from the standpoint, we try to maintain a pretty good integrity of that arm, just because I've taught thousands and thousands and thousands of players that I've seen over bent or over curve, and then they try to swing from that elbow, so from that IT industry we train on and then if they have a slight bend, you can argue she on Lindsey here in this picture is a slight bend? It's hard to tell from this angle, but... Yeah, I mean, there's a little bit... There's always gonna be a little embellishment...

0:41:57.4 Jack Broudy: Yeah, you know what? I actually would prefer, honestly, I prefer you to say straight and even use the word bend, because straight is a lot closer to what I'm saying than Beth, I understand why you straight because it is pretty straight. I guess my only thing is when you lock anything, you lose your natural athleticism when it's locked, but your daughter, she is... And this girl I see, that's not... It's straight, it's straight, but it's not locked, so maybe we should just change our vocabulary because her arms Street, but it's not locked, and what it will.

0:42:34.1 Dave Smith: Argue that the teams it straight through the entire stroke, so if you wanna call it unlock... Okay, yes, it has played. Here's the secret, here's the secret. If you keep it straight, A player is going to embellish it, every player is gonna be... Is it okay that you're gonna have... You're gonna have players that have a little bad, a little curve, a little fluctuation, or even you...

0:43:00.3 Jack Broudy: When you show it to me, yeah.

0:43:02.3 Dave Smith: I'm sort of bed elbow right now, when I train the player, there's where I'm not, I'm locking that elbow, I'm driving that arm through, and every player is going to embellish that to be a highly skilled back in Bali every single time, every time. I've never had a player do not have an extraordinary... I even mean adult senior adults. Well.

0:43:27.3 Jack Broudy: Certainly, I agree. I like the lever being from the shoulder, I like the arm being strong... You know what I call it? I call it the iron bar, I tell my students, make your arm into an iron bar, not a setlist cobar... Oh, okay.

0:43:45.0 Dave Smith: I just go for... And here's what I can do it, I always ask them, you wanna give us a short Troma to lift a heavy car, or would you like a long-term barter body? Of course, all I want a log football, I get more leverage. Okay, if you're bending your elbow and swinging from the elbow, your Crowbar is only as long as that Albanian, you're Crombie from the shoulder to the into the racket, and now you have leverage and a second, first degree ever... And we all know if you look at the formula for force applied by a load uplift longer the lever, the more force to be applied, or again, using physics and did this picture behind me, we're training that elbow position on balances with the continent graph. And you can see in all in almost is a straight and say to a... Now, here's an interesting thing, this kid on the left, that's a straight as his elbow can get...

0:44:45.1 Jack Broudy: That's right, you see it. To me, it looks beautiful, like a wing, see that looks like a win to me, but you're right, it's straight, it's certainly not... Bet we agree on that. It's a eight.

0:44:55.5 Dave Smith: That's as far as he can do it, if you look at the kid, this is his twin brother and the grace, His Albus, a lot more greater because his elbow, whatever the difference between the two brothers or twins are not identical obviously, but that's the interesting thing is how the elbow shape sometimes doesn't allow some players who get it dead straight, so I agree with you, you may end up with players who have occurred and that's as far as they can get it, and that's fine. I love that because.

0:45:23.1 Jack Broudy: We just got the better value to Kit on the left or the right...

0:45:26.4 Dave Smith: Well, they're both amazing, they're both state champions, they both on went undefeated, in fact, ironically, rusher in the grave shirt was a defeat of singles and the sand was the undefeated doubles player with Hunter, his partner in the other shirt there. I see.

0:45:44.4 Jack Broudy: I see.

0:45:45.4 Dave Smith: They both, again, because the dynamic stroke was identical, even though one had a slightly more bent elbow because he couldn't straighten it any further, and that was the difference, and that's why I say every player is gonna have a slight difference, if you will, within the advanced Foundation this is why you can look at pros and identify individual characteristics that are different from each player, but yet the foundation, whether it's a two and a backhand, this is one of my JV players.

0:46:16.8 Jack Broudy: Look at her back leg, look at that back the kick, and.

0:46:20.2 Dave Smith: We'll talk more about that, a lector. But from her to my number one to see, play you see the back leg again, you can see the foundation to... Let's pull up the... If I got to here, this is to just read it, but you can see the foundation of the grip, the racket position, a beautiful content ogre. And this is, if you look at our fast hands drill, so when we're working on that stroke right here, so these are all JV players here working on that repeatable, reliable stroke over and over in developing that muscle memory, even though it's not really mustn't.

0:47:04.3 Jack Broudy: I just think the step is great, I wish... I wish my coaches would do stuff like this.

0:47:09.1 Dave Smith: So this is why it's not rocket science, if you're gonna develop a player that an aim that can hit a stroke on command over and over and over. These are all JV players, by the way, and this is the only verse you play rigor, and you can see that leg drive the back leg staying back, this is a game. This is... That's number 22. That's number 24 on my later... You've got some depth, you guys... This is actually a varsity player, she's my lefty, and you can see the rhythm of this drug, the Mac toast dating down and the release EP after the hit, the break step as we call it, but look at the back leg and the ability to generate reckoned. Now we're training them in this particular drill to react quickly and still feel to a... And I like these, if I ever do fees like this, which in private, I don't do as much, but I will do this particular drill because I also like them feeling the connective-ness of the back swing and the fore wing and it really quickly like that. Then they just keep going like this and they feel how the two sides are...

0:48:20.0 Dave Smith: The stroke are connected. So I do like that, but again, thinking outside the box, we have people Kelly down the back end, restricts court, going around the code, split down the line, passing shots.

0:48:36.5 Jack Broudy: Since today's vallis and you and I as usual day, even in our conversations, we go all over the place right, wake. Sure, we get a few more of these. Villi drills, let's authority, this one behind me, a lot of players do the quick bodies, but I really like adding this to the quick volumes, which is the law.

0:49:00.6 Dave Smith: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

0:49:01.8 Jack Broudy: Yeah. Because too many. I just don't think doing this particular drill only you... Of course, your hands get quicker and everything gets better, but by adding the lab to it... Oh, here's the placer drill. Do you guys do this one at a grease him and talk about receiving... See, that's the word you used before that I like... You can't do... You can't punch the ball and do this... Retto can't even get close. Heroine the law ballyhale in this drill, I add it now sometimes can't take the overhead, so you gotta look like a hot dog like that. But when we go back to this year in the beginning, I wanna make sure we cover at least one or two things, and one was the idea of adding the low valley in that quick... Everyone does QuickBase, not just with me, but I'm at the lab valet that drill. And then we talked about this last week, the lacrosse drill, where you catch the ball, and then the other one is bump up and across Yemen, then I wanted to show one quick Valley here real quickly to show how easy and how you can make the value into almost a rally drill by adding the lab to the quick by...

0:50:19.4 Jack Broudy: That's really the only thing I wanted to show the Pro... 'cause that's what we're here for, right? I know we have a good time hanging out. But we gotta show these guys as much as we can, so there's a lacrosse drill, there's just get the field, but receiving is the word of the day, because then you go to what it is.

0:50:39.9 Dave Smith: I say receding or reflecting, which infers a solid bracket versus a swinging racket, but both of those are so good about developing and learning to let the rack and do more little work.

0:50:57.2 Jack Broudy: Yes, look, you got stream can in the 50, 60 pounds, and then there's tension in the air pressure of the ball, that does two things work for you, there's the lab, right. Intonation hiatus. Hard to see candy. Just a Nicanor speed. I keep it in play and... And that's a really beautiful way that, like I said, it's almost like a rally from the baseline, I think that's why so many kids like to stay on the baseline, you get long rallies and it met... They think, Oh no, it's quick, but really, you should treat the volutes like this one, you should have a longer alley, including the lab and the overhead as you do in the base line.

0:51:37.7 Dave Smith: Well, let me add to what you've got there, because our start of our practice yesterday, we had Super Saturday, and they have to hit back in the back in bales 100 in a row. I love it. I like when I was in college, we had to hit 300 in a row or start over, you wanna know what pressure was... 295 to 96 and having to start over, if you met... And even for a lot of kids, 100 and areas a lot, and yet it's all star, one of the things I've seen with votes especially, is when you add a thermal county, players are much more focused on making the shot 'cause there's a connectivity between verbalizing one, two.

0:52:22.0 Jack Broudy: I find that true even when I'm hitting, like when I haven't played in a week or so, and I decided to go hit with one of my buddies was a very good player, like a 12 Tran, I'm like, Oh boy, I don't wanna suck today, or else, this guy is not gonna wanna hit with me again, and I do that right away, I go, Okay, start counting, and I don't even count his, I just can't bind. And I find that if I count, it does make a psychologically, I guess, but it makes you focus more and it's really great. I think it's anything in the ballroom that allows a player to control the ball on a tip, meaning the valley law.

0:53:00.5 Dave Smith: The angle, Vale, the ketch, the Mini Me on across, we do a drill and Badri, I was a nationalist Bader back when I was very... That's great, and we did a drug. All drop, drop cleared. Clear in Baden, where you hit a drop shot, they hit a drop shot, you hit a clear... They had a clear, you get a drop shot off, they're clear, they hit a drop shot, you keep that rhythm or clear clear, and I found that really has application to ten is to develop the hand on the rack and orientation to slow the ball down. Drop it again, working on a vertical drop versus the horizontal valli drive, which everyone does on a daily basis, we're drop balls, they don't wear an angle volume when they're just driving the ball steps. There's another drill you ought to try that I'd love for you to film it, but just... It's exactly what it sounds like. Drop drop, and I do meet a very close to the net drop and then a bump up on just barely to the service, like we're not talking about offensive, we just a low over their head, that person has to run back and body that for a lab.

0:54:10.3 Dave Smith: And then that person that takes out a lot and drop shots from... Where would you say that's similar to DICOM in a way? I don't know, decades crib.

0:54:20.8 Jack Broudy: He... Yeah, you do, it's the one we... You start at the neck, hit the net and the ball drops over and you have a... I call it a where you rotate. Very close minutes. Yeah, super, super close. Manitoba, to me, that sounds... And I like those fines trials I do too.

0:54:39.8 Dave Smith: Because you have to move quickly, but be very gently, have to be thoughtful, and kids don't... When they are taught to swing fully at balls, they never defeat at say never, they don't develop as quickly, the hand coordination in the touch that is associated with being able to react quickly to a ball that you should... If I've got two girls on the baseline and I'm at the net volume, why would I wanna hit a deep bodies...

0:55:19.9 Jack Broudy: You're practicing with them. Right.

0:55:22.1 Dave Smith: Idiomatic in a game situation, I wanna hit an angle ball for a winner, I don't wanna hit a deep Balto, a person... That's deep, man, if I wanna win the point, there are some exceptions, of course. But for the most part, the player at the net, if they know how to hit angle Mollie thing we teach a lot of is that the net, we trade our players to drill that I... Although the nets kneecap, and if you hit their nicotine, tell players never say you're sorry. Say, are you okay? But you never say you're sorry because that was the shot you wanted to hit... I love it. We never wanna apologize for the show, we're trying to get... You can always say, Hey, are you okay, you? All right, cool. And here's the interesting thing, when a good net player is hit by a volume, usually they say, No, that was a great job. The cropping, that player who gets it, who says, Why do you help me? What, what do you do in... They're the ones that stuck it anyway or very inexperienced, so we've found that good players... They know that that's part of the game.

0:56:27.6 Jack Broudy: I was always taught to value the guy's... Right. Hit.

0:56:30.6 Dave Smith: Me if you wanna be more specific. Give a on the inside of the... Where the back Helles harder and they certainly can't get that for him.

0:56:37.8 Jack Broudy: No, they can't get the forehand, but they certainly came back... Well, you know, David as usual, two long-winded pros like us... We didn't even touch the serve today. Yeah, we'll do that next time. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna re-title this this episode and call it volumes because not serves in voles anymore, but... That's okay. I think we'll probably have to talk about when it comes to the service, I'm just guessing we'll have enough to talk about it.

0:57:09.3 Dave Smith: I think we planitia about for sure, but I call this a good day of well to lots. With some serving there and get in, learn how to hit a secretly, learn how to generate speed, how to do all the things that are associated with good serving, especially a 30-second serves.

0:57:32.7 Jack Broudy: And also... And also warming up to serve and also warming up to serve... Yeah, we'll just give a little teaser to the next shop, I put my notes allotment segment for us. So it's a lot of fun. Dive as always. It's such a pleasure. And we'll do it again real soon. And look for too. I hope the pros are enjoying themselves as much as we are, let's put it that way.

0:58:02.2 Dave Smith: There you go. I hope you edit some information.

0:58:05.2 Jack Broudy: You got it. Thanks here, next time. Alright.

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